River Witham - Doddington Bridge

Fishery name River Witham – Doddington Bridge
River Witham
Doddington Lane nr. Dry Doddington, NG23 5HR
Grid reference
SK 83799 47045
Latitude / Longitude
53.01416200 / -0.75238321
Over a mile – single bank
Full and Associate Members only. No day tickets
Night fishing
Night fishing not permitted.
From Newark, take A1 southbound and take turn-off left towards Doddington village. In about 500m, just before a bridge, is the gated (combination) access to the fishery. This small-river fishery extends upstream, above the bridge towards Long Bennington, for about a mile and downstream, below the bridge on the opposite bank, for about 400m. The upstream section, initially straight, used to hold a massive shoal of big Bream though these are few in number now. Further upstream, the river becomes more natural with meanders and trees and produces good numbers of big Perch, Roach in the right conditions, occasional very big Chub and Barbel well into double figures. This stretch is also popular with Pike anglers. Vehicular access along the stretch is possible in dry conditions. The downstream stretch (over bridge/opposite bank) is slightly deeper and used to be excellent for Roach and still is when conditions are right. Perch are common along this stretch and good Pike fishing can also be had.